I was looking for
some cologne to put in my gym bag a few months ago.
I wanted something
cheap, uh inexpensive, in a plastic bottle, that smelled good but was not too
Sally and I were
looking at Target and found a bottle of Old Spice. It met all of my qualifications. What totally sold me, though, was the slogan
on the box, “If your grandfather hadn’t worn it, you wouldn’t exist.”
That made sense to
me. My grandfather had used Old
Spice. I should be grateful.
I bought it.
Jesus was at a
dinner that his friends had given for him as he passed through town on his way
to Jerusalem for what would be the last time.
When Mary cracked
open a bottle of perfume (“pure nard”) to anoint Jesus feet, she hadn’t gone to
Target. She’d gone to Beverly
Hills. John (John 12:1-8) puts the cost of
the perfume at “300 denarii.”
One denarius was
the day’s wage for a day laborer, not necessarily unskilled. If we put that wage at $10.00, times 8 hours
for a day, times 300, that comes to $24,000.00 in today’s dollars. That’s some expensive perfume in any age!
She had bought it
for his burial and was pouring it on him while he was still alive. She was expressing her love for him, not by
buying flowers for his funeral but by pouring them out in ointment form when he
could still smell them.
Her extravagance
was a response to his extravagant love, poured out for the ransom of human
kind. No price can be put on that. Jesus said, “for this is my
blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the
forgiveness of sins.” Matthew 26:28
Join us next week, Holy
Week, as we walk with Jesus down that road to the day of his death, on Palm
Sunday, Maundy Thursday, and Good Friday.
Come and experience the ultimately extravagant gift of God for us.
Go to our web site
at www.faithsd.net and scroll down for
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