(Note: This blog entry is based on the text for “How To See a Miracle”, originally shared on March 15, 2023. It was the 257th video for our YouTube Channel, Streams of Living Water (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCB7KnYS1bpHKaL2OseQWCnw), co-produced with my wife, Rev. Sally Welch.)
Have you ever wondered how great it would be
if you could just go back in time and see Jesus walking the earth, maybe doing
a miracle? Have you ever thought that seeing just one miracle would lock-in
your faith and remove all doubt? You’d be wrong. Today we’re going to find out why,
and how you can see a miracle right now every day.
Rain and snow are still falling in Southern
California. It’s kind of amazing after years of drought, but is it a miracle?
Ask the people living in the mountains if they are grateful for more snow, or
the people living in burn scars if they are grateful for more rain.
people down here are getting pretty fed-up with the rain.
As a
pastor, I’m sometimes given the invisible wink and elbow and get asked
something like, “Hey, ‘padre’, can’t you do something about this weather?” I
say, “I’m sorry. I’m in sales, not management.” 😊
main Bible reading we’re looking at today, John 9:1-41, raises a similar
did miracles. He healed a man born blind. Why don’t we see those kinds of
miracles today?
passage begins with a sight that is all but unheard of today but which was not so
uncommon back then, and is not so uncommon in many parts of the world today, in
verse 1,
1As he walked along, he
saw a man blind from birth.
from birth.”
meant something then that we wouldn’t necessarily consider today. We might say that it meant some congenital cause
was present, rather than the result of an injury.
When people
in Jesus’ day thought about a cause, they thought about sin. They believed that
things like blindness happened to people as punishment for sin. It was just a question
of whose sin. The persons or their ancestors.
Which is
weird because that answer is one that is seen to change over time in what we
call “the Old Testament” and what people in that day called “scriptures.” The
Bible says that God punishes people for the sins of their ancestors near the
beginning of the Old Testament, and says that God does not punish them
for the sins of their ancestors near the end of that Old Testament era.
takes the later view and so shows a better grasp of the scriptures than his
Why was
the man born blind then? Jesus answers, in verse 3-5,
3Jesus answered, “Neither this man nor his parents
sinned; he was born blind so that God’s works might be revealed in him. 4We
must work the works of him who sent me while it is day; night is coming when no
one can work. 5As long as I am in the world, I am the light of
the world.”
Jesus is
about to take the disciples to school. God’s works are about to be revealed.
Jesus is God, and the works that are about to revealed are the gifts of
what a miracle is. It’s not a suspension of the laws of physics. It’s not something
unexpected that just happens. A miracle is the restoration of what God intended
the world to be in the beginning.
The world
was created to be perfect. Human rebellion brought evil into the world, and we
can’t connect the sin with the result, like when a factory owner has toxic waste
to dump and dumps it in the river behind the factory. He saves money, his
business is more profitable, his stockholders are happy and he sleeps well at
night. Meanwhile, people drink the water and eventually they get cancer. They
don’t know why.
A miracle
is a sign that points to God’s Creation as it was intended to be. Clean.
Perfect. In this case, no blindness.
“the light of the world”, comes into the darkness of the man born blind and the
man sees Jesus. His sight is restored.
first, it gets weird, in verses 6-7.
6When he had said this,
he spat on the ground and made mud with the saliva and spread the mud on the
man’s eyes, 7saying to him, “Go, wash in the pool of Siloam”
(which means Sent). Then he went and washed and came back able to see.
anyone, when you were a kid, usually a female relative, see dirt on your face
and take out their hankie, dip it in their mouth, and use their saliva to clean
off the spot? Gross right? You probably make that “Ick!” face. But you were
Have you
ever heard someone make a toast by saying “Here’s mud in your eye”? That
expression started in England around 1930 and is either a reference to life in
the trenches during WW1 or a reference to this text, which kind of makes sense because
it is associated with a toast to one’s good health.
back in Jesus’ day believed that saliva had actual healing properties. Jesus
used it as a signal that a healing was about to take place.
The man’s
neighbors, who have only known him as a blind beggar, have questions. And Jesus
is not around. So, they bring him to the Pharisees, who also have questions, in
verses 13-15,
13They brought to the Pharisees the man who had
formerly been blind. 14Now it was a sabbath day when Jesus made
the mud and opened his eyes. 15Then the Pharisees also began to
ask him how he had received his sight. He said to them, “He put mud on my eyes.
Then I washed, and now I see.”
Do you
see where we’re going here? If you know one verse of the Bible by heart, it’s
probably John 3:16. If you know one hymn by heart, it’s probably Amazing
Grace, and the first verse in particular:
“Amazing grace!- how sweet the sound-
That saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found;
Was blind, but now I see.”
probably know the story of how that hymn was composed by John Newton, an
English slave ship captain who came to Christ and repented of what he had done,
left that work, and lived to campaign against slavery. He lived a transformed
life in the grace of God.
what the Bible calls a miracle! A miracle is a sign that God’s intention for
creation is being restored. And what was God’s intention for all of humanity
but a personal transformational relationship with the one true living God?!
Do you
want to see a miracle? Share your faith. Invite someone you know who does not
know Jesus to receive him. Connect with someone in need, invite them to be
transformed, to become a new Creation!
there’s a bigger issue.
At least
the Pharisees think there is.
Jesus has
broken one of the commandments, they say, by healing, that is, doing work, on
the sabbath, the day of rest. And the guy who was told to go and bathe in the
pool of Siloam has washed himself, also working. This, they say, cannot be a
work of God.
They quiz
the man’s parents, and his folks see that they don’t want to get caught up in
all the drama.
Pharisees ask the guy who was healed about this “sinner”, Jesus, the one who
had healed him, and we see, in verse 25.
25He answered, “I do not know whether he is a sinner.
One thing I do know, that though I was blind, now I see.”
That’s a good
answer, and the Pharisees argue with the man born blind, now healed, but the
man holds his ground, and they drive him out.
hears about what happened and finds the man, in verses 35-38,
35Jesus heard that they
had driven him out, and when he found him, he said, “Do you believe in the Son
of Man?” 36He answered, “And who is he, sir? Tell me, so that I
may believe in him.” 37Jesus said to him, “You have seen him,
and the one speaking with you is he.” 38He said, “Lord, I
believe.” And he worshiped him.
the miracle! Not the miracle of childbirth or the miracle of the order of the
cosmos, or the miracle of the beauty of nature, but the miracle that is
happening every day all over the world.
Do you
want to see one? Share your faith. Ask someone, “Have you heard about Jesus?
Really heard about him?” Share the good news for them and invite them to open
their heart to receive the transformational gift of Jesus Christ, the savior of
the world.
them to turn away from their old lives, to start over, to receive a new life,
the restoration of their original humanity in the transformational relationship
with God in Jesus Christ, seen in 2 Corinthians 5:17,
17 So if anyone
is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see,
everything has become new!
Duncan, one of my favorite preachers, points out that the Pharisees had turned
the Law into a burden, not a benefit. And many in our own communities see us as
a burden, not as a benefit. Why are we here? Here’s the answer: we are not
looking for people to share our burden, we are here to share their burden. We
are first of all, a Christian community. There is something in our churches
when we gather that is greater than any of us. Jesus! That is what we have to
offer. Good news! New life in Jesus Christ!
We are not the light of the world in our
communities. Jesus is. But we can be reflectors of the light.
Fulghum, in his book, It Was On Fire When I Lay Down On It, told the
story of a modern Greek philosopher who answered Fulghum’s question on the
meaning of life with his story about living on a Greek island during the Nazi
One day, he
said, he came upon a wrecked German motorcycle. He picked up the broken pieces
of the rearview mirror and, unable to put them together, kept the largest
piece, which he filed down to a circle with a stone. He played a game with that
mirror, seeing what deep pocket of darkness he could illuminate by reflecting
light into it.
He still
had that mirror in his wallet and believed that it was the key to the meaning
of life: that he was not the light or the source of the light, but that he
could be a reflector, bringing light into the dark places of life, and that
though he didn’t have the whole mirror, he had a part of it, and could do what
he could with what he had.
How do we
help people see this, to see the Light, with what we have? The story of the
healing of the man born blind concludes with its lesson, in verses 39-41,
39Jesus said, “I came
into this world for judgment so that those who do not see may see, and those
who do see may become blind.” 40Some of the Pharisees near him
heard this and said to him, “Surely we are not blind, are we?” 41Jesus
said to them, “If you were blind, you would not have sin. But now that you say,
‘We see,’ your sin remains.
Tricky. Sin
produces our separation from God, our lack of the relationship with the one
true living God for which we were created. Jesus says to the Pharisees that if
they were blind, it would not be because of their sin. But by saying “We see”
while not “seeing” the presence of God at work right in front of them, they
reveal that they are still in their sin. They don’t see God, which is worse
than any physical blindness.
How is your
faith today?
Do you sometimes
wonder how great it would be if you could go back and see Jesus walking the
earth, maybe doing a miracle? Have you ever thought that seeing just one
miracle would lock-in your faith and remove all doubt? You’d be wrong.
Think about
all the people who saw Jesus physically do a miracle. Thousands! How many stuck
with Jesus to the end? Zero. I think it was because they didn’t “see” Jesus.
Martin Luther,
the 16th Century Church reformer, said, “I have covenanted with my
Lord that He should not send me visions or dreams or even angels. I am content
with this gift of the Scriptures, which teaches and supplies all that is
necessary, both for this life and that which is to come.”
The Bible is
our source of supply for everything that is good in this world and the next. It
is the primary means by which God speaks to us. The Bible reveals to us the
power of the cross to restore that for which we were created: a living
relationship with the one true living God.
The Bible both
describes miracles and enables us to see them.
People come to
new life in Jesus Christ every day. The people we know and love, or just know,
or don’t know yet, need to hear that, need to know that God loves them and that
we imperfect children of a loving and gracious God welcome them.
There are many
things that we can see.
Did you see
the news about President Biden in Monterey Park this past week talking about
gun violence? Did you see the news about the giant asteroid coming toward earth.
Did you see the news about the possibility of war with Russia, China, North
Korea, and Iran? Did you see the news about a massive volcano brewing? Did you
see the news about the danger to our economy?
Did you see
the good news of Jesus Christ, and did you share that good news?
The man born
blind could only see Jesus when Jesus took action, when the light of the world
came into his darkness and revealed himself. But Jesus did take action, and he
still does today.
That is the
stuff of miracles, and we can see them every day. We can be participants in them.
We can tell our stories. We can point people
to God’s intention for human beings when he created them, and to the power and
agency of God to make them into a new creation. We can point to Jesus as the
agent by which a living relationship with the one true living God for which we
were created was made possible through faith.
We can work to make all of creation more like
what God made it to be.
But, most
importantly, we can invite others to open their hearts and receive Jesus, the
light of the world, to let him heal their blindness and know the miracle of God
for all who will receive it, new life in Jesus Christ, in whom we have been
given ultimate healing on the cross for our true selves and the knowledge that,
in Christ, ultimately, everything will be healed!
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